× Почетна страна Основни судови Basic courts Виши Судови Апелациони судови Правосудни семафори Врховни касациони суд
☰ maps
This is the Interactive Court Map for basic courts of the Republic of Serbia
By pointing the mouse at the marked territorial jurisdiction of a specific court, on the right side you will get an overview of key information on that specific court, including key statistical information related to backlog reduction.

The provided table contains information on monthly basis regarding:
1. Clearance rate,
2. Number of pending old cases at the end of the month and
3. Relation between the number of pending old cases at the end of the month compared to the previous month (in percentage)

The information on the courts clearance rate for a specific month is shown on a:
- Red background in case that the clearance rate is less than 95%
- Yellow background in case that the clearance rate is more or equal to 95% and less or equal to 105%
- Green background in case that the clearance rate is more than 105%

The information on the % of decrease of old cases is shown on a:
- Red background if the ratio between old cases at the end of a month compared to the previous month is more than 100% (which means that the court had more old cases at the end of a month compared to the previous month)
- Yellow background if the ratio between old cases at the end of a month compared to the previous month is more or equal to 98% and less or equal to 100% (which means that the court had a decrease of old cases up to 2% compared to the previous month)
- Green background if the ratio between old cases at the end of a month compared to the previous month is less than 98% (which means that the court had a decrease of old cases of more than 2% compared to the previous month)